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Saturday, February 24, 2024

24th February 2024


Today, I decided to start back writing. Maybe, this is one of those "self-care" things that was suggested to me the week before last. Maybe this too can be sustainable.

Hello world, it's been a long time.

Also, who still uses Wordpress, Blogger(on gmail) etc?

P.s. I may keep the font changed in Italics, we'll see.


In grace,


I do not own the rights reserved for the abstract illustration posted.

Monday, September 25, 2017

"This is Not an Existential Crisis"

Poem Entitled: "This is Not an Existential Crisis" Written on: 25/09/17.

I pace back and forth recollecting the memories
Within the shadows of each garment
All the sweat and tears
The parading of a love
Of a want.
For one another.
Each moment having you near to me
Each thought in sync with yours
Every chance I've let go of
Of grace that flooded me.

Another cake cut
People have gathered here today
In celebration of a life
She sits still
With a life lived as best as she knows
Another man vows his "I dos"
Another cry of baby's first breath of life.

Where does it leave you?
Where do I go from here?
The broken pieces you've left for me
Tossed into the sky of an eternity
Everlasting Creator You reach for me
Past the hands of time,what do I have left for You?
The sting of yesterday still beating against my chest
Nothing that wine fancies
Nothing that conversation can cure
Help me breathe on.



In grace,


Currently listening to:  "You're Gonna be ok" by Jenn Johnson

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Poetry: After Midnight Writing

Entitled: "Theres So much Grace"

May You give us two- fold and more.
Every tear that's shed on this page
May You give us two-fold and more.
Every stint of pain
May You give us two fold and more.
Every ounce of fear,distrust and doubt in another
May You give us two-fold and more.
Every moment I've acknowledged the pain
Every time I've uncovered Your paths
May You give us two-fold and more.
There is a name
For every time you've gotten up to leave
For every time you've flickered a cigarette in open air
For every time you've choked on your thoughts and bed sheets
For every minute you've found ways to control time
For all times you've taken to lie

May you fall to your knees.
May you be given two-fold.


Maybe Ill be doing a Grace/forgiveness entry soon but in the meantime,hoping you guys are enjoying the poetry being posted of late. Stay tuned! There's more entries to come!

Dig Deeper:

"But to this day whenever Moses is read, a veil [of blindness] lies over their heart; 16 but whenever a person turns [in repentance and faith] to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty [emancipation from bondage, true freedom]. 18 And we all, with unveiled face, continually seeing as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are progressively being transformed into His image from [one degree of] glory to [even more] glory, which comes from the Lord, [who is] the Spirit."- 
2 Corinthians 3:15-18

In grace,


Currently Listening to:  "Heaven Come" by Jenn Johnson Bethel Music

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Questions on Solo Travelling

 "Oh the places I'll go".I look across to my enormous bookshelf that occupies one quarter of my bedroom that semblances a snowy top of Mount Robson,British Columbia.The weight of travel looms over me like never before and suddenly I realise I live in comfort.My life is not perfect and it never has been but throughout its imperfections I've constantly learnt to be content in what I do have. Life is not perfect even now,a degree,four years of golden job experience in the field I studied for,a house of three dependents. It still haunts me. I can't wait to feel the seat of a plane yet again. To be able to travel independently hundreds or thousands or miles away from here. To endure boring or unclear safety instructions and question why universities create a system of coercion whereby you are made to overthink things. I wonder if I'll become addicted to travel. I wonder if I'll always feel displaced. I wonder if  my experiences will cause me to never leave again. I wonder if I'll return only wandering  to find some sense of belongingness. If my belongingness beckons a call elsewhere."Oh the places I'll go".

Not sure if any of you out there remember activities like these,but do you think you are in the same place you thought you'd be ten (10) years ago? Or five (5) years ago?

In grace,


-Randoh House

Currently Listening to:
"Build My LIfe" by Amanda Cooke,Bethel Worship
Song Written by:Housefires

Monday, January 9, 2017

Poetry: After Midnight Writing "None and the Same"


 Poem Entitled: "None and the Same"  

We wait even when it rains
We wait across time barriers and oceans
We wait against the stares and indignant looks
We wait with our skin colours of different hues

We are made up of none and the same.

We wait in the darkness of night
When a lightbulb blows dim
When flickered lights turn off
We wait when stores retreat to a close

We are none and the same.

We wait when others have fallen asleep
When some have gone to work
We wait  for life beyond airport terminals
We wait for our breaths to remain in synced
As our heartbeats compose unison
We wait for hope in a midnight sky

We are the same.


Dig Deeper:

"If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin."-I John 1:6

In grace,



Photo/Image Credits: 


Artist on 2nd Sketch: "Henn Kim"

Currently Listening to:

"First Love" by Jonathan and Melissa Helser

Monday, July 25, 2016

Out Of Hiding

My heart has been overwhelmed lately by many recent world events. Through it all, I know He's been leading and teaching me. I have found my emotions in much upheaval. I have sat angered and shed too many tears either through prayer or venting my frustrations. I often wondered "is anyone seeing what I am seeing?" I have heard people refer to the recent events as "historic" yet people refuse to admit that Syria and Kurdistan's current socio-economic/political states are also historic. I am gently reminded of Rwanda and me being too young to recall what really occurred. If it wasnt my age difference, I can assure you,it was  North-America's best way of concealing or protecting  the populations. Or maybe,just maybe it was the world's way of coping by turning a blind-eye to the wars.

While I have read and listened to varying perspectives of different events,I am in no way claiming to be an expert connoisseur in world events,ancient civilizations and more.I have however,seen people's lives crumble and hatred being fueled in people's hearts towards  a type or people group. The question remains; what promotes/attributes to someone wanting to murder another or commit homicides? The question in and of itself is not simplistic like I thought it would be initially. Rather, it is veined in multiple ways. There are multiple causations and correlations that could be panned out from different sources.

My purpose is not to list  and expand on all of the reasons why people go on murder sprees but to focus on what the Lord's been revealing in my own life through these events. With that said, I have to submit that I have had a two year background in a psychiatric setting and we often underplay the reality of the large scores of people diagnosed,misdiagnosed or not at all with having some psychiatric illness. In this little platform I do have, I want any of you out there to not be afraid to make the first step in seeking some help. Sometimes life takes us in winding paths or maybe we willfully do so and end up with heartbreaks or otherwise and it may require an extensive road of talk therapy for example. (I'll link below what that means).  I was once told that no matter who we are,at the end of the day,we all need help. I guarantee you that you feeling safe on the inside (emotionally)/ affectively as well as in your thought spaces /cognitively as well as on the outside (physically) is worth more than holding all the resentment on the inside or self-destructing. You are truly worth it.We are worth it. Maybe, that's what a bunch of us fail to see. Are we so blinded that we don't see the sanctity in human life anymore?                  

 In as much as  I have been disturbed and enraged with all the lives lost and suffering in the U.S.,Munich,Ansbach,France,Syria,Kurdistan,Venezuela and heard too little about the perpetrators; God still spoke. He spoke softly and openly asking me if I knew He loved the perpetrators in the same way He loved me. God wrecked me right then where I thought I had enough of the world. I always sung from a four year old growing up in Sunday school that  " Jesus loved me,this I know" but could it be quite possible for the same Jesus to love the murderer with unresolved angst or misguided by cults or other religious groups? Could it possible for this Jesus to love the thief on a cross  next to Him and me who beckons at His call to worship Him day and night? Walls I built up for myself came tumbling as I thought of this. In my own heart, I held myself on a pedestal thinking I was better than these perpetrators. I don't give a pass on these absurd acts committed on us all, mankind and neither am I condoning that Jesus has no beef with their sin. He says clearly in the Word ( Isaiah 6:3), (Revelation 6:8),and (Psalm 5:4) how he feels about sin.

 The scripture "Your eye is a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is good, your whole body is filled with light."-Matthew 6:22 has been brought to the forefront of my mind by the Lord with all the chaos around us. I know that if He claims to love these perpetrators or the middle man who smirks after a snide remark against a people group; He surely wants to reach all people with His love. While God is omnipotent and chooses to grace us with His splendour in a dim room at home, He is sovereign and cares about the intentions of our hearts. If we aren't committed to falling in love with Him,we might as well forget about assisting Him in reaching anyone else. If we're darkened on the inside by the surrounding events or from complacency and fear,how can we be this light He speaks of?

What good is it to have a glimmer inside of you that isnt tangible or represented on the outside/in our lives?Maybe it means that for some of us, putting down that television remote-control or phone might help our inward skepticism,rage,denial,paranoia and more. Maybe for others, we need to ask God what are our litmus tests, how can we know what is light and what is darkness? Or simply,maybe some of us need to know how to walk in a lifestyle that reflects that light. Perhaps shuddering at the thought of a refugee may only darken or harden our hearts?

Lastly, I want to put forward the best foot I do have while I have it. I want to be able to pray scarier prayers that have people's heads physically spinning at the love of God wherever they are. I decided yesterday to not only pray into these global situations but to share about what we can all do for the world. It means less hiding. For me and you. The earth groans but God still remains good. His nature is not determined by us. We can argue with God kicking and screaming all the while but God remains who He says He is. He is love and He is good.

Dig deeper: 

(Romans 6:22-23)
"For we know that all creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23 And we believers also groan, even though we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory, for we long for our bodies to be released from sin and suffering. We, too, wait with eager hope for the day when God will give us our full rights as his adopted children,[a] including the new bodies he has promised us.24 We were given this hope when we were saved. (If we already have something, we don’t need to hope[b] for it." (NLT)

Talk therapy:

Currently listening to:
"Take Courage+ Spontaneous Worship ft.Kristene Dimarco"

Photocredits: Stephen K Bedase Photography

In grace,


Sunday, February 14, 2016

Reflections + Skin Care Routine

 I remember that around this time the year before last, while I was going through a difficult break up that I began sleeping a lot and became one of the most grumpiest people around. I'm pretty sure I became bitter and will leave out those details for the here and now.A light switched off in my brain and I decided to stop neglecting my body and skincare routines.
One night, while I was talking with a guy who helped me through this breakup; I recalled using nose strips to remove both the blackheads and white heads from my nose. Me, in my slouchy grey clothing and hair pulled back, I was trying every exfoliant out there for my skin. From sea salt,sugar,facial scrubbers or cinnamon. My skin felt dry but clear. I needed to balance out the moisture (gee, I wonder why it felt so stripped)?  I realised after much use of these pore strips that it was affecting the ph balance to some degree in my skin or just stripped it from natural oils. Similarly, when I was in my teens and used every facial scrub out there on my skin even the self- proclaimed "gentle enough to use daily" ones. It seemed they worked to a certain degree but damaged or dried out my skin.
It took a year later, to find a great product.
In no way, am I saying that this product is the "cure-all" to all blackheads or whiteheads. I realised how well my skin responds to "natural contents". This product costed me a whopping $150TTD but a little went a long way and lasted me for several months. I only ever used this for up to two full weeks once a day and it proved to be gentle enough. Otherwise, I mostly used it once per week. If you're looking for a product that truly is gentle enough to use a couple times a week or daily,this is worth the buck.  (No, I am not being paid for advertising this Neal's Yard's product,see link below for details).
1. Gentle exfoliating agents
2.Water-based versus cream/oil based
3.Herbal fragrance
4."Fresh glowing skin" after- effect
5. Does a good job keeping both black and white heads at bay while balancing skin's natural oils
6. Makes skin feel soft


1. Costly
2.Herbal fragrance may not be preferred option
3.Most appropriately suited for oily-combination skin

So,while I don't want to make this too much of a beauty review ( a little too late,huh?). I'll proceed to discuss another routine I have been trying. I am back in a place where I've felt like I was undergoing a dark period in the past few months and reworking on my emotional,mental health and spiritual growth. I am learning so much and will continue doing so. God has seriously become my everything and I am embracing Him more when I feel like I want or need a romantic counterpart present. Truly,the mountain where I run.In Him, I find my comfort,heal  learn to create and grow. Again with flicking the switch,I realised my skin needed some caring. As such,I have opted to finding  a new skin-care regimen. It seems my skin becomes one of the first things to react when I'm undergoing stressful life events.

It was while I was looking at that I discovered the concept of "oil cleansing". Dove into some research myself and decided to try it out for a solid three (3) weeks. I became fond of the Oilve oil and Castor oil combination but there are other combinations out there if you're interested. This oil cleansing has helped my skin to return to its natural ph balance while removing makeup.Previously, I would use makeup remover wipes but  I began seeing it as wasteful. Stay tuned with how my Oil cleansing routine goes! I am thinking to experiment with Grapeseed oil next time.

Lessons learnt:
1.If things are chaotic and stressful for you,doesn't mean your skin needs to look that way.
2. Some people may see it as selfish and be careful to not use this one as a' cop-out' but, stop giving if it hurts.If you're a natural giver by heart that is, and you realise it isn't reciprocated by other people for whatever reason,it's okay to 'bow-out'. Especially if it begins to affect your personal development.
 Maybe in the future blogs,Ill be posting more lessons I have been learning.

Dig Deeper: 

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”-Deuteronomy 31:6

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”-Isaiah 41:10

Currently listening to:  "King of My Heart" by  Jeremy Riddle and Steffany Gretzinger

In grace,
